2007/10/15 月曜日


Filed under: misc — Nacky @ 10:57:27




萌えた体験談 <家出少女>



# ↑ちなみにあんまり好きでない言葉だ

2件のコメント »

  1. That’s a knowing answer to a diiulcfft question

    Comment by Coralee — 2016/8/6 土曜日 @ 13:08:06

  2. Monique CasaraFebruary 25, 2010That’s a great question Wes! I am an avid scrapbooker and constantly find myself taking pictures of family, friends and groups. I always take a minimum of two pictures of the group and then ask someone nearby or in the group to take another two pictures to include me. Taking a least two pictures helps reduce the possibility of a bad picture. If others are taking pictures, you can always ask them to email you copies of their pictures. (Business cards come in handy for this)

    Comment by http://pilulesenligne.men/ — 2016/8/9 火曜日 @ 20:01:22

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